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One way that causes tossing and turning is either caffeine or even alcohol. This is because towards the night our nerve cell activity tends to slow down but caffeine doesn't slow down the nerve cell activity so towards the night you still lots of energy in you.  

How does caffeine keep me awake?

Why do we move in our sleep?

Another way is because of pain. Sleeping on our stomachs can lead to back and neck pain. The pain from our backs and necks could lead to tossing and turning because of how uncomfortable we could be.

Tossing and turning may not be normal for everyone. There are many people who suffer from REM sleep behavior disorder which is when people act out their dreams. Them acting out their dreams is when they only physically move their limbs or get up and act out the activities. 

(REM Sleep Behavior Disorder)

My friend Raghad on May 25, 2019

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